Here are some quick ideas to get you back on track:
- Eat more fruits and vegetables, less processed foods (be aware of anything in a box, bottle, can or bag)
- Get into the habit of reading food labels. Make smart choices. Do you know what’s really in your food? How many calories? How many nutrients? How many chemicals? The more you know, the wiser your decisions can be and the healthier you become.
- Choose to drink more water instead of sugary coffee drinks, alcohol, and sodas.
- Keep empty calories to a minimum and focus on foods like fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, and whole grains and seeds.
- Every week, try out 1-2 new plant-based recipes. Build your healthy recipe database
- Make it a point of cooking and eating more in “The Kitchen” rather than choosing to pick up take out or going to a restaurant
- Now that we most likely will go out more again to dine out, plan ahead – choose the restaurant carefully, check the menu online and make up your mind ahead. Go for the salads, fresh veggies and share a meal. Stick to your plan.
- Check out Dr. Greger’s free app “Daily Dozen” to make sure you get all the nutrients that are recommended for a healthy diet. Remember most people in the Western World are overfed but malnourished. Most people don’t even know what they should eat.
- Check out your local farmer’s market and refer back to my February newsletter
- Grow something edible. Start small! Check out my gardening section in this month’s newsletter
With all these tips, you’ll also pay attention to National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month. Did you know that processed meats (lunch meat, sausage and bacon), alcohol, and dairy products, for example, are known to be carcinogenic, despite the never ending efforts of the food industry’s marketing strategies? Here is where we have to change from an uninformed, or mindless eater, to a “skilled” eater.
March is the perfect time to spring clean your health. I am here to help you with becoming a “skilled eater” for life, taking out the guesswork and helping you develop a plan for lifelong healthy habits. Once good habits become routine, you and your family will have a much healthier future.
Contact me for my complimentary “Spring Back to Health” Strategy Session. I would be happy to talk to you about your struggles, goals and pain, and help you develop a plan. You can do it!
For those of you who are ready to explore better health and wellness and love to do it in a group with like-minded people, my next group class starting this month is “Spring Awakenings.” This 8-week group Zoom class meets once a week and covers topics such as Eating Real Food, Developing your Recipe Database, Hydration, adding more Movement and Activity to your daily life, how to change and keep your habits and more. Check out the link here.
“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” Hippocrates
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